
Fumigation is the only method of insect control that is able to kill a target insect regardless of its location within the structure. Unlike other treatment methods used, fumigation allows the gas to penetrate every possible point of the structure where the target insect may be located.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites got their name because unlike other termites that originate from the ground, drywood termites do not need to regularly return to the ground for moisture. They are able to extract enough moisture to survive from the wood they inhabit. Thousands of homes are infected by drywood termites each year and can damage its structural integrity. The longer these insects infest your home, the more damage they cause. This is not a problem to be ignored or taken lightly and putting off taking care of them increases the chances of significant damage.

Common target pest for fumigation are:

  1. Drywood Termites are the most common.
  2. Roaches (heavy infestation), and Rodents (heavy population).
  3. Powder Post Beetles, Old House Borer Beetles, Bed Bugs, Animal Hide Beetles.

There are five steps to fumigation:

  1. Sealing the Structure: covering the entire structure with tarps to create an airtight bubble.
  2. Sulfuryl fluoride Release: a specifically calculated amount of the fumigant is released into the structure based on a cubic footage calculation and environmental conditions.
  3. Exposure: length of time the termites are exposed to the fumigant based on calculations for the structure. This period can be as short as 2 hours or as long as 72 hours.
  4. Aeration: tarps are removed to allow the sulfuryl fluoride to escape. This process is aided with the use of exhaust fans.
  5. Clearance: involves checking the air within the structure with a clearing device for any remaining fumigant. Only after the structure has been certified clear will you be allowed to re-enter the structure.